
Stubbin Wood School

Creating opportunities for everyone to achieve success and reach their potential

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We are proud members of the T.E.A.M. Education Trust where 'Together Everyone Achieves More'
Our school mission: Creating opportunities for everyone to achieve success and reach their potential.
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School Closure letter (18.3.2020)

Coronavirus – COVID-19: School Closure


The Government are, quite rightly, keen to reduce the impact of school closures on NHS staff and frontline carers and we fully endorse this. Alongside this we have to balance this with the vulnerability of our students and their medical susceptibilities.


Whilst all our students fit within the ‘vulnerable people’ guidance for self-isolation we initially sought to only restrict those with more exceptional needs. 


Today, the number of staff self-isolating due to their own underlying medical conditions or due to other illness/self-certification meant that the school had become over-reliant on supply staff.  This, coupled with the vulnerability of our student group, has led to the school being closed from tomorrow.


During this time we will maintain our communication with parents through the following:


  1. A weekly ‘keep in touch’ telephone call from your child’s Key Stage leaders during term time
  2. Email (if we have your latest contact details – you may be asked to provide an email address).  Our email address will be checked daily and emails from parents will be referred to the appropriate senior leader to action and respond to.
  3. Twitter @stubbinwood (these can be read from the Twitter website if you don’t have a Twitter account.
  4. Website: www.stubbinwood.derbyshire.sch.ukLatest News  page


We have received many calls in recent days from parents and are sharing their questions with you in the Frequently Asked Questions document attached.  This document will be shared on our website and updated.


We ask parents to make use of the learning resources that are available on the website for you to continue to develop your child’s education from home where possible.


We intend to open to students after the Easter holidays, but will advised on this; more information will be shared on the website as the national response to Covid-19 evolves.

