Most of the students (excluding Nursery) at Stubbin Wood School and Nursery are assessed against the Wilson Stuart P Steps which can be mapped against National Curriculum Year Group expectations all the way through to GCSE grades. However, as a platform SOLAR also gives us access to additional more bespoke assessment systems such as MSI Victoria for our pupils with multiple sensory impairments.
Within School our main assessment system is also supported by a range of other assessment systems (some of which have been created in-house) which allow us to track the progress of our students across a range of different aspects.
All new pupils are baselined within 4 weeks of joining Stubbin Wood School and Nursery, across all areas of the curriculum including the foundation subjects.
Children in Nursery have their baseline assessments completed within the first two to three weeks of education (depending upon attendance and circumstance). Assessments in Nursery are ongoing and are undertaken in a range of ways, including both formal and informal observations. We assess and record the majority of observations using the online TAPESTRY system. All key workers also ensure one long observation is undertaken every term (6 a year) on every child and assessed to include next steps in learning. Children are assessed using the standard EYFS grids and the DCC small steps assessments where appropriate.
Please follow the link below to access our performance table information: School Performance Data
However please note that at the current time our latest data can be found by accessing the link below as we converted to an academy in June 2020: School Performance Data
Please note when viewing our 16-18 provision information that our students undertake final accreditation in Year 14 (age 19) rather than Year 13 (age 18).
Progress towards targets is monitored throughout the year with support being provided for any pupil who is under achieving. Monitoring of progress also allows us to identify our students who are making above expected rates of progress so that we can ensure they are provided with enhanced provision to hone their skill and knowledge as much as possible within identified subject areas.
We use the assessment information we gather to plan appropriate next steps and support our students to reach their potential.
English- Step up-to English
Students in Key Stage 4 cover the AQA Entry Level Certificate for English. This is a certificate that ranges from entry level 1 through to entry level 3. The program of study allows those students who are ready and able to complete their GCSE qualification in English to access the subject content with the skills gained at this level perfect for those students who wish to progress. The core content is based around a range of books and genres that suit the needs of our students. Delivered over a two-year period the students will look at subjects such as holiday, music, leisure, along with books such as Percy Jackson for our myths and legend's theme, or Stone Cold and Athur Connan Doyles Hound of the Baskervilles for the theme of crime. The assessment for this is through non-exam-controlled assessments, therefore, removing the anxiety over sitting in an exam hall.
The AQA certificate for maths is also delivered over a two-year period, and ranges from entry level 1 through to entry level 3, the students explore 8 different disciplines within this scheme of work, from the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division), time and date, money and the properties of number. Each program of work comes complete with a workbook that students' progress through and develop skills, accordingly, moving through the booklets from level 1 through to level 3. End of unit internal assessment then takes place where levels scored allow for grades to be awarded. After this, students then follow the National Curriculum and student for GCSE maths.
Students in key stage 4 aim to complete the double award in science, this covers all three disciplines, biology, chemistry and physics. Linked with everyday life, students learn about acids and alkalis in everyday cleaning products, look more closely at physical properties of metals with heating, cooling and conductivity of metal. Students completed 6 teach designed experiments from chromatography to thermal heat loss, through different materials, (we explore different cups and what material controls heat more effectively) At the end of each discipline, we completed a non-exam based assessment that covers the lesson taught throughout the course.
Summer 2023
This is the first summer that students were entered for all three subjects, we are happy to say that out of the 6 year 11 students entered we had a 100% pass rate. All students achieved their expected grade in each subject. This year we are looking to expand the exam suite to cover both key stage 4 groups helping secure a greater number of students achieve these qualifications.