Each term, the Chief Executive Officer of the Trust, Mrs Baker, sets out a challenge for all schools to take part in. Previous challenges have included enterprise and learning challenges.
The TEAM Trust Hope Project
All schools within the TEAM Education Trust are being invited to take part in the HOPE Project. The project focuses on encouraging hopes and dreams of our students whilst nurturing their creativity skills. The student artwork will be shared with local churches and places of worship to celebrate the power of positivity, even when days are dark and lonely - the future gives us all the opportunity to HOPE! Please see details of the project below - all entries should be sent to the Trust CEO & Mrs P. Lyons by Friday 11 February. Please be aware that some student work will be shared on Twitter - if you do not wish for your entry to be shared, please do let us know.
'August Nature Spotter’
Nature is all around us, but we don’t always take the time to appreciate it. Mrs. Baker’s CEO challenge for this month is an opportunity to take a moment to look around us and enjoy the natural world around us. Please click here to hear more from Mrs Baker’s cat about the Challenge.
The new challenge is for students and their families, staff and governors to record how many sightings of nature you can using the ‘Nature Spotter’ card provided. On sighting, simply tick off your record and then take the time to watch and enjoy what nature has given us, taking a photo should you wish.
On the last day of August, send the number of your sightings or a picture of your spotter card or photos of your sightings along with your name and the name of your school to our Collaboration Manager who will tally schools’ points and post to our TEAM Twitter account.
Send your entries directly to Twitter @TEAM__together, or to together@teameducation.org
There will be a CEO prize for the most entries in total from any one school and for the most sightings spotted by one person. Evidence shows that nature is good for mental health and we all need to look after ourselves, especially now. So get behind this challenge, support yourselves, each other, and your schools.
The new challenge is for students and their families, staff and governors to see how many of the ‘Joyful in July’ activities they can complete from the list provided. To see the challenges click here
These activities include things that bring so much joy that they have a national day in their honour, e.g. ‘National Chocolate Day’. Others are celebrations and challenges that you can take part in to bring joy to yourself and to those around you.
Simply take part in the activity suggested for the date of each day in July and when completed send in your entry with the name of your school to our Collaboration Manager who will tally schools’ points and post to our TEAM Twitter account. Only entries received on the correct day of the challenge will be counted. Send your entries directly to Twitter @TEAM__together, or to together@teameducation.org.
There will be a CEO prize for the most activities undertaken in total from any one school and by one person. We all need to take care of our wellbeing, especially now! So be joyful where you can and get behind this challenge, support yourselves, each other, and your schools.
‘Let joy be in the journey, not only in the distant goal’
As we start the final full week of June, the month in which we launched our new Multi Academy Trust, we would like everyone to reflect on their hopes and dreams for the future and share these thoughts with us all.
The logo for the TEAM Education Trust is an apple. Click the following to understand "what the apple means to us"
So, what are your hopes and dreams for the future? What are your job aspirations and how can the T.E.A.M Education Trust support the achievement of these?
We have three projects this week – you can choose one or more (whichever is the most appealing – “or apple-ing…?”)
The Salt Dough Apple (you can use our recipe by clicking here) Have a go at making an apple from Salt Dough. Why not decorate your apple or paint it with food colouring?
The Apple Montage
The apple montage can be decorated using hands/fingers, photos, key words and/or colours and crayons. Having done this please write in your hopes and dreams for the future, working with someone else to do this if necessary.
If you want an apple template and can’t use the version we’ve attached or draw one yourself, (page 2 of this link) we’ll have a supply that can be collected from Reception if you can’t print them yourself. Please phone and arrange a collection time.
The Draw your own Apple
Having drawn your own template, fill it with your hopes and dreams for the future, you could use words, pictures or quotes.
When complete please send back to school so that we can create a collective hopes and dreams tree for each of our Trust schools.
Email to: together@teameducation.org
This week’s challenge is different from the ones we’ve had in recent weeks. You have one whole week to learn the new TEAM Anthem.
Miss Ludlam has written the words to the anthem and sung it, Miss Knapper has provided the Makaton signing. The treat on the senses with one signing to the singing is priceless – now, you need to do your bit and learn it too! Send a clip to Miss Ludlam at the email: collaboration@teameducation.org and let’s get singing in sign!
To see the film, click on the following link: TEAM Anthem You will see that there are two films, the first is the Anthem and the second is a coaching session to help with the signing from Kirstie.
Links in a chain, tracks for a train,
They’re always better together,
Kids in a class, with all kinds of staff,
They’re always better together,
When you walk in through our door,
Together Everyone Achieves More!
Teamwork, do it together,
Teamwork, TEAM forever,
We’re standing out, from the crowd,
Together we are proud…at TEAM
Daytime and night, darkness and light,
They’re always better together,
A lock with a key, the sand and the sea,
They’re always better together,
Model, Whaley and Stubbin Wood,
Our future’s looking good!
Teamwork, do it together,
Teamwork, T.E.A.M forever,
We’re standing out, from the crowd,
Together we are proud…at TEAM
Teamwork, do it together,
Teamwork, TEAM forever,
Teamwork, do it together,
Teamwork, TEAM forever…we’re TEAM!
This is our launch for TEAM Education Trust…. The challenges of coming together in the face of a global pandemic have required everyone to think again. Here at TEAM Education Trust, we think it’s a fabulous opportunity for our young learners and their families, our staff and their families and our Governors and their families to get behind the Trust and to get TOGETHER!
There will be prizes from our CEO for the most activities undertaken each week in total from any one school or individual. So please support this challenge and support yourselves and each other, and support your schools too.
Week 1 Having fun together (week beginning 1 June)
Complete seven fun activities which will be shared with you at the beginning of the week based around apples as this is the T.E.A.M Education Trust logo. When you have done them, send in a photo so that we can share them on our Trust Twitter page.
We will launch the weekly challenges on the Monday morning of each week. The Challenges for this week are available by clicking here: Together in June - Week 1 Challenges
Week 2 Being healthy together (Week beginning 8 June)
Complete 5 sports related activities which will be shared with you at the beginning of that week. When you have done them, send in a photo so that we can share on our Trust Twitter page.
Week 3 Learning together (Week beginning 15 June)
Listen to and learn the T.E.A.M Education Trust song which we will launch at the start of the week. At the end of the week send us a video of you singing/signing along to the song, or alternatively a video of you dancing to the track or evening a video of you enhancing the backing track you’re your own musical accompaniment
Week 4 Hopes and Dreams together (Week beginning 22 June)
We would like everyone to share their hopes and dreams for the future in terms of aspirations and how T.E.A.M Education Trust can support the achievement of those. We would like these to be recorded on a salt dough apple or paper apple template (which you will be able to download from the website at the beginning of the week, or collect from site in discussion with schools about a suitable collection time). We would then like you to decorate your template, either using your hands/fingers, photos of what you enjoy or by colouring and getting creative. Having done this please record your hopes and dreams for the future, working with someone else to do this if necessary. When complete please send back to school so that we can create a collective hopes and dreams tree for each of our Trust schools.
In Roman times, on the first day of May, it was considered to be the sacred day of the goddess Flora (who was responsible for the flowers). Romans would march in flower parades and celebrate the flowers and new life to come.
In days gone by, our forebears would erect maypoles on the village green, children would go to the woods to gather mayflowers (hawthorn blossom) and decorate the maypole. Girls would wear their prettiest dresses because they wanted to be the May Queen. The victorious Queen would then be paraded through the village and lead the dancing and riotous fun.
What were you doing on the first of May last year? We guess it might have been like most other days - busy and nothing special. This global pandemic has reshaped our lives and, for now, we have time to think and be mindful.
This month's TEAM Education Trust CEO Challenge is called 'May Mindfulness'. We have developed a series of activities to 'work through' the month of May - these are designed to help our school community (that's all of us, our children and their families, our governors and their families) the opportunity to take a moment to do something different and to reflect.
The Challenge also chimes closely with the values of the TEAM Education Trust around trying new things, mindfulness, being conscious of the people around us (to name a few).
We really look forward to seeing what everyone does to take part!
We are asking that as many of our pupils and their families, staff and governors read as many books as they can.
The books can be in whatever individual format they can access stories and books; this might be reading a book, listening to a story or songbook, a sensory or tactile story, braille, text in symbols or audiobook.
Once complete, readers are asked to write a short review of up to 280 characters, or again, produce a review in an accessible format, such as writing in symbols, photos, voice dictation, or written on behalf of an individual.
Once completed, these reviews can be sent to Miss Ludlam, our Collaboration Manager, collaboration@stubbinwood.sch.uk who will monitor the uptake of the challenge and tweet these reviews on the TEAM Education Trust Twitter account @TEAMtogether.
The pictures below show some of our staff enjoying reading in a little quiet time for themselves.