On Wednesday 11th May, a group of Middle school students set off on an overnight camping trip at Newstead Abbey. They arrived to a wet campsite but luckily had packed all their waterproofs and wellies! They had lunch in the café and then some of the group toured the Abbey and the rest returned to the campsite to play football. Later in the afternoon, the whole group came back together to eat doughnuts and then they set off to explore the countryside around them. They went pond dipping and attempted to conquer the stepping stones. Afterwards they played pooh sticks over the bridge, before heading back to camp to make noodles and sandwiches for tea.
Once the group had eaten and cleaned up, they went on a walk to see a waterfall and to a nearby park. Then everybody trekked back to camp to roast marshmallows and crawl into their sleeping bags after a very busy day!
Most students slept through the night and woke up eager for breakfast. After packing away their things, the group headed back to School - we had some tired looking students (and staff!). All the students had a great time and loved every minute, as did Mrs Short, Mrs Watson, Mrs Briggs and Mrs Fletcher!