We are proud members of the T.E.A.M. Education Trust where 'Together Everyone Achieves More'
Our school mission: Creating opportunities for everyone to achieve success and reach their potential.
On Monday 20th June, a group of 8 students completed their Duke of Edinburgh assessed expedition over a two day period. The first day saw torrential rain for the group but they didn't let the bad weather dampen their spirits. The sun came out later in the afternoon and the students were able to set up their camp. The assessor was very pleased with how they worked as a team. The group travelled 12 miles in the first day and had a BBQ for tea. After a good night's sleep, the group set off for their second day and walked a total of 8 miles. Woody showed his support by racing the students to their checkpoints. The whole group showed exceptional teamwork and navigational skills. Well done everybody!