
Stubbin Wood School

Creating opportunities for everyone to achieve success and reach their potential

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Welcome to Stubbin Wood School


We are proud members of the T.E.A.M. Education Trust where 'Together Everyone Achieves More'
Our school mission: Creating opportunities for everyone to achieve success and reach their potential.
Home Page

Early Help - Parent / Carer Support


Early Help


We are always here to help you - during term time, please call the main school telephone number and ask for Early Help. 


What is Early Help?


Early Help is about taking action to support a child or young person and their family at the time that a problem first emerges and before it becomes a crisis.


We can never predict when help will be needed; it can be at any stage in a child's development. Help might be needed before birth through to adulthood and supports any issue that the family cannot deal with or manage on their own.


Early Help is all about helping the young person and puts the family at the heart of everything we do.


These pages have been developed as a resource for parents to access and include a range of materials from useful websites to helpful documents that we hope will provide extra support at the time it's most needed.

The Early Help Service is available for all parents and students at Stubbin Wood School.  If you require support from this service but your child is not at our school, please ask your school to contact us in the first instance.  Please ask to speak with a member of the Early Help team.

